Turning Breech Babies - The Traditional Wisdom of Moxibustion in Chinese Medicine
Pregnancy is a profound experience in a woman’s life that is filled with excitement and anticipation. The news of a breech baby presentation can be quite concerning, especially if your preference is to have a natural, vaginal birth. Fortunately, there are Chinese medicine practices that have been utilised for centuries that may help encourage your baby to turn into the optimal birthing position – one of these is moxibustion.
Chinese medicine, including acupuncture and moxibustion, have a long history of supporting women through healthy pregnancies, labour and childbirth. The use of Chinese medicine practices may help support the health of the mother and baby by harmonising the flow of Qi, enhancing Blood circulation, regulating the hormonal shifts of pregnancy and labour, alleviating pain, relaxing muscles, promoting relaxation of the mother and calming the fetus. Acupuncture and moxibustion are safe, effective and minimally invasive practices that can seamlessly complement the primary methods of care you are receiving during each phase of your pregnancy.
What is moxibustion?
Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves burning a herb called mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) or Ai Ye near specific acupuncture points to stimulate a physiological response. The warmth and herbal properties of mugwort (often referred to as moxa) may help to improve circulation of Qi and Blood, promote relaxation of the pelvic muscles, and therefore encourage the breech baby to turn.
Moxibustion is typically applied to the acupuncture point Bladder 67 (BL67), which is located on the outer corner of the little toenail. This method is believed to increase fetal activity, helping the baby to move into the optimal head-down position for a smooth delivery. Moxibustion for breech presentation is generally most effective between 33-35 weeks gestation, as at this stage the baby is more likely to have adequate space to turn. A course of treatment for breech moxibustion is 10 consecutive days. To achieve this, you will be advised by your practitioner on how to perform this technique at home.
While moxibustion is considered a safe treatment, it is important to consult with a qualified Chinese medicine practitioner. Your practitioner will provide you with personalised advice and ensure the technique is being performed safely and effectively.
What else can I do?
There are several other techniques that may be utilised to help encourage a breech baby to turn into the optimal position for birth. These include:
External Cephalic Version (ECV) - a medical procedure where a doctor manually rotates the baby by applying pressure to the abdomen, usually performed around the 36th to 37th week of pregnancy.
Spinning Babies techniques - include a series of positions and exercises designed to create more space in the pelvis, promoting a head-down position.
Chiropractic treatment - particularly the Webster Technique, aligns the pelvis and reduces tension to facilitate turning.
Swimming - can also be beneficial as the buoyancy of water allows for gentle movement and relaxation.
Hypnotherapy - employs relaxation and visualization techniques to reduce stress and encourage foetal repositioning.
The techniques listed above can be utilised alongside your acupuncture and moxibustion treatment when addressing breech presentation. If you wish to utilise multiple techniques or treatments simultaneously, please inform your practitioners and follow their professional advice to help ensure the safety of you and your baby.
If you have any questions about acupuncture and moxibustion for breech presentation in pregnancy, you are always welcome to email me or fill in the contact form on my website.
Wishing you a smooth and peaceful birthing experience!
Veronika Peovska
(BHSc Acupuncture)
“To be skilled at nurturing one’s nature and wellbeing is to treat disease before it arises.” - SUN SIMIAO